This post will always be updated.
Converts key file to 1 line JSON key.
awk -v ORS='\n' '1' public_key.pem | pbcopy
Create random password
openssl rand -base64 10
Grep Examples
Grep all of the files in the current directory
grep -rnw '.' -e 'text'
r: Recursively search
n: Line Number
w: word-regexp
Grep with file
while read p; do grep $p --exclude=file\.txt -inrH . --color; done <file.txt
Nagios NRPE Check Examples
./check_http -H {host} -u "/{ur}" -S --expect=200
command[check_service]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http -I '{ipaddress}' -k 'Host: {host}' -S -s Dashboard -u '/{ur}'
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -H {host} -S -r '"failure":[1-9]' --invert-regex -u '/health-check'
Curl Examples
curl -kv 'https://{ipaddress}/{url}' -H "Host: {host}"
curl -kv -H 'Host:' ''
Cat Examples
Cat Without ‘# lines’
cat file |egrep -v "^#" |egrep .
Find Examples
find {directory} | xargs chown -R nginx:nginx
find / -name '*tar.gz' | tr '\n' '\0' | du -ch --files0-from=-
Rename Examples
rename -f "s/JPG/jpg/" *.JPG
ls Examples
ls |grep -v _[2-9].jpg | wc -l
PowerShell Commands
List the jobs
tasklist /s {remoteip} /u {username} /p {password} /svc
Kill the job in the remote computer via taskkill
taskkill /s {remoteip} /u {username} /p {password} /PID {PID}
Get AD user details
net user username /domain